Unfortunately for all of us, those at the Fed and in government at large continue to heap Band-Aid upon Band-Aid (and not new, clean Band-Aids, either; they are using discarded, infected Band-Aids) without any concern for or perhaps awareness of the real problems of their own making: government spending and intervention in markets. As we have discussed before, savers and those who act prudently with their money will be harmed as their ability to earn a positive and safe real yield is reduced with each rate cut. Oh well, must be time to hop into Nvidia.

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Your last comment accurately reflects the glib thinking of proponents of loose money, including Wall streeters, real estate bros, and apparently members of the Fed. "Rate cut good" is about the extent of it. I avoid the constant doomsday predictions, but it's simply not a sustainable path and will end poorly at some point.

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"It's simply not a sustainable path and will end poorly at some point": Agreed. It's just a shame that when that point is reached, most people will seek aid from the very perpetrators themselves--much like with price inflation.

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